Saturday, July 10, 2010


Eating In...and Healthy.

Drex and I have developed the bad habit of eating out almost everyday at least once a day. This is mostly due to the convenience of fast food and not having to clean up anything afterwards. However, in order to conserve money since we're now on a budget, we went out to Borders and bought ourselves a good old fashioned cook book and then went to Fred Meyers for groceries. Now since we're eating in...we're also eating healthy. Buying organic what we can, watching the calories and sodium in foods, and mixing fruits and vegetables in with everything so that we're getting our needed servings of them. Tonights meal...Three Cheese Pasta Bake using organic pasta (which is delicious!) and some potato fries, using a real potato and adding a small amount of olive oil and salt. It actually turned out really good! I'm really excited about this whole eating healthy and making dinners together. I've actually lost weight this summer, and I'm excited to lose more as I change my eating style. :)

Rachel and Jordan came over and we all hung out for a little while, though he's on this mute high right now so he didn't say a word, thankfully Call Of Duty and facebook stalking made up for the silence :)

Tomorrow my big giant baby turns 18 years old...oh goodness. :)

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