Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I quit my job today. Okay not technically, more like I'm not going to be showing up for my scheduled days. Nor will any of my coworkers (aside from one new girl). More or less it's in support for our beloved and amazing manager. I LOVE my manager, i didn't really know if I would or not...though I had hoped that I would befriend all my coworkers and get along well with my manager. Lucky for me, I have...(had?) the best coworkers I could have ever asked for, and the absolute best manager hands down. Thankfully my favoritest coworker (and good friend) recently (as in today) got hired at the Journeys at Diamond so we will be reunited in a few months! (can't wait!) Basically there were some issues with the whole thing, and my coworkers and I are...well not showing up again. I'm a little nervous about the whole...ditching on work thing....but I know it's for the best. Thankfully my manager will be moving to Journeys with me...well more me going with it's not goodbye :) I have truly been blessed with extraordinary coworkers and an extraordinary manager.

So I say goodbye to my first's not the way I planned on leaving, but the greatest things aren't planned nor expected right? I can say I have "work experience" under my belt, and I know my manager will give me basically the greatest reference ever if I needed it. We're the girls that tell each other they love each other on the phone, and make secret handshakes in the back room. I'm glad to be moving on...I feel like this change will be awesome, though I'm definitely a little nervous about the whole thing. However I know I have a million people ready to support me. Thank goodness for that :)

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